Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Facebook Social Ads - Be careful what you wish for

Unimpeachably brilliant; the application of social networking principles to advertising. Let brands make friends, let the friends make more friends. Let people share what they buy with their friends who will buy more. Target your advertising against the declared interests of members.

What could be better unless......
  1. The clutter on everyone's home page becomes impenetrable
  2. If people who gave up information for the use of their friends maybe don't like it being used by advertisers
  3. If those who opt in to allow others to see their purchases of music, sneakers and cosmetics should just maybe slip up and buy a porn film that now everyone will know about
Once again we have a zero wastage in advertising headline, once again we have the death of traditional advertising obits ready to run. Not so fast, what we do have is a massive challenge in reputation management and just one more destination to deal with in terms of driving the traffic with messaging that shapes opinion.

There is no doubt that advertisers will rush into the space but there needs to be some really smart thinking about how to harvest the eggs without killing the Golden Goose.

Not everyone agrees, see the AdAge article here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The true magic could come when these guys embed search technology as part of their social portal and then have the ability to overlay social maps and search queries.