Saturday, October 6, 2007

Moving Picture - The Valley of Elah

Bleached out visually and emotionally the movie tells a story of how men can be destroyed by war even if they appear to survive the combat itself. It's a powerful anti-war comment, but I rather wonder about the anti-war movie that has not been made. This is the movie that examines just what kind of people encouraged by what kind of families and friends actually volunteer to fight in the wars of politicians?

America is not ready for that movie. Sentiment here (from New York liberals at least) can be summarised as 'Support our troops. Stop the war.' There are very few people that place the blame with the soldiers or even question their motivation. The centrepiece of the Valley of Elah was the murder of one soldier by one or more others; looked at another way it was about the murder of a drunken young man by other drunken young men - like that does not happen so often. The varnish of 'honor through service' might just be distorting our view of people who may have ended up doing the same thing without ever wearing a uniform.

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