Thursday, October 18, 2007

Some people are on the pitch.......

They think it's all is now.

What a week. The work thing is done, the pitch delivered, the support team (bless them one and all) are clearing the detritus of six weeks effort, the pitch team just finding time to exhale and get on with the day job.

Now the wait; did we answer the question? Did we leave anything on the table? What did the other guys do?

Soon enough we will know, you can only hope the crieria for the decision match the content of the brief as we are not the world's best double guessers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think there will be more tendrils coming out of yesterday's meeting: follow-up meetings for clarification, expatiation, etc. Once they get into our capillaries they'll see that we are the proper parasitic host