Monday, October 15, 2007

Life's a pitch

It's a a big week here in sight of the Alamo. Lots of people under lots of pressure and a sense that we are at a tipping point in the business at large coupled with a fear that climbing to that point remains a challenge.

The challenge is that traditional media drives a lot of NOW business goals but that the really key consumers who dictate the long term health of our customer's business are poorly served by it. In order to stake our claim in the new world means diverting money and effort from now til then but quarterly reporting and the impact on stock prices and C Suite measurement are a big barrier to bold steps.

This means that recommending the right thing that builds long term shareholder value is often the wrong thing for the win tomorrow. It also means that we hold our own development in check and compromise our own long term value.

Maybe this week is the week that our clients and us break free. If that's true the rewards will be great all round.

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